Search for a hotel
Enter your FEMA registration number and then search for a hotel.
Call the hotel before you go
Ask the hotel if they have availability for TSA. If they do, provide your estimated arrival time. When you arrive at the hotel, be prepared to provide your FEMA registration number, first and last name, last 4 of digits of your social security number, and a valid photo ID.
FEMA will cover the cost of your room, taxes, and pet fees.
Expenses will be covered up to the maximum rate allowed. This rate varies by disaster and location.
If you are eligible for Transitional Sheltering Assistance, FEMA will pay the cost to stay in certain lodging providers for a limited period. Costs covered are for the cost of the room, pet fees, and taxes. Any other expenses are not included. Follow the steps above to locate participating properties to see if they have availability in the area you have selected. Since room availability changes quickly, please call the lodging provider prior to traveling to confirm they have available rooms.
Lodging through the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program may be limited to certain geographic areas. Use your FEMA registration number to access a list of participating lodging providers.